Rose and Kettle: Sea Music with Geoff Kaufman, and "So Long from Home: A Connecticut War of 1812 Tale in Prose and Song"

The next concert in The Rose and Kettle Series will be taking place at the Cole Harbour Farm Museum on the 23rd of October. This is a special concert featuring Geoff Kaufmann, internationally renowned organizer of the Mystic Seaport Festival. Kaufmann is a curator, historian, and folksinger-songwriter. The event kicks off at 7pm at the museum tea house.

The following evening, the 24th, at 7pm Kaufmann will be at the Maritime Museum to present his one-man show "So Long from Home: A Connecticut War of 1812 Tale in Prose and Song" based on the dairy of a privateer who chronicles his imprisonment on Melville Island in the North West Arm.

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